X’qed jagħmlu tat-Trikki Trakki? // What’s going on during the Trikki Trakki sessions?

Żgur li l-istudenti tal-8.01 u l-8.02 li mhux qed jieħdu sehem fil-proġett tat-Trikki Trakki huma mikulin bil-kurżità biex jaraw ir-reċta li sħabhom involuti fil-proġett ilhom jaħdmu fuqha minn Diċembru. Għalissa ma nistgħu nikxfu xejn, biss hawnhekk għandkom xi ritratti meħuda minn xi spiji li għandna fil-grupp. Tgħid x’il-mniefaħ qegħdin jagħmlu?!

Students from 8.01 and 8.02 who are not taking part in the Trikki Trakki project must be full of curiosity about what their classmates involved in the project have been cooking since December. We cannot make any revelations for now, but we can share some photos taken by some of our spies within the group. What in heaven’s name are they doing?!

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