Trikki Trakki

Trikki Trakki hu festival tat-teatru li din is-sena laħaq il-ħames edizzjoni tiegħu. Huwa organizzat minn Teatru Malta bl-appoġġ tal-Ministeru għall-Edukazzjoni u l-Isport, u miftuħ għall-iskejjel tal-istat, tal-Knisja u tal-privat.

L-iskola tagħna kienet waħda mis-6 li ntgħażlu. Ix-xogħol beda fl-aħħar ta’ Novembru bl-ewwel workshop ta’ siegħa u nofs, li miegħu żdiedu tliet workshops oħra matul Diċembru. Wara l-vaganzi tal-Milied, beda x-xogħol ta’ provi (14-il siegħa b’kollox) mad-direttur teatrali fil-bini tal-iskola stess. L-għan ta’ dan ix-xogħol hu li l-istudenti jtellgħu produzzjoni teatrali għall-istudenti waqt il-ħinijiet tal-iskola, u mbagħad żewġ performances oħra miftuħin għall-familjari u l-pubbliku in ġenerali.

Hawnhekk għandna ftit ritratti tal-istudenti involuti fil-provi u fil-workshops. Għandna pjanijiet biex ‘il quddiem inwasslulkom iktar ritratti u, min jaf, forsi anki xi ħaġa aktar minn hekk, ladarba tittella’ l-produzzjoni.


Trikki Trakki is a theatrical festival which is in its fifth edition. It is organised by Teatru Malta with assistance from the Ministry for Education and Sport. It is open to all state, Church and private schools.

Our school has been chosen to be one of the 6 schools taking part. Work started in the last week of November with a one-and-a-half hour workshop, followed by three more in December. Work continued on the students’ return after the Christmas holidays, with 14 hours of rehearsals with a theatre director on school premises. The aim of htis work is to involve the students in a theatrical production which will be performed in front of our students during school hours, and then performed twice more outside the school for the students’ relatives and the general public.

Here are a few pictures of our students during rehearsals and the various workshops. We plan to bring you other photos in future (and who knows, maybe something more!) once the play is performed.

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