Tliet studenti tagħna ħadu sehem fl-ewwel edizzjoni tal-Malta Live Participatory Event, attività li tħajjar lill-istudenti tal-iskejjel medji biex jiktbu stejjer, poeżiji u kitbiet oħra ta’ kull ġeneru u jieħdu kritika kostruttiva mingħand esperti fil-qasam tal-kitba. Leeon Cauchi u Ja-Naya Aquilina ħadu sehem mill-klassi 7.01, u Adiel Shead ħadet sehem mill-klassi 8.02. Il-kitba ta’ Leeon, Where Creatures May Be, intgħażlet biex tkun ippublikata fl-ebook li se jinħareġ biex ifakkar din l-attività. Adiel ġiet mistiedna taqra l-kitba tagħha, Moonlight on the River, waqt is-serata li ġiet organizzata biex tiċċelebra din l-istess attività. Aħna bħala skola xtaqna nippremjaw lit-tliet kittieba ċkejknin tagħna, u bil-għajnuna tal-Aġenzija Nazzjonali tal-Litteriżmu u l-Esplora, tajna żewġ kotba u vawċer biex jidħlu fiċ-ċentru tal-Esplora b’xejn kull wieħed. Prosit tassew lil dawn it-tliet studenti u nittamaw li nerġgħu naqraw xi kitba tagħkom daqt! U qabel ninsa’… jekk tixtieq taqra l-kitbiet, dawn jinsabu hawn, hawn u hawn.
Three of our students participated in the first edition of the Malta Live Participatory Event, an activity which seeks to encourage middle school students to write stories, poems and other writings in any genre, and get constructive feedback from experts in the field. Leeon Cauchi and Ja-Naya Aquilina participated from 7.01, and Adiel Shead took part for 8.02. Leeon’s poem, Where Creatures May Be, was chosen for publishing in the ebook which will be released to celebrate this event. Adiel was invited to read her piece of writing, Moonlight on the River, during an event on Teams which was organised to celebrate this activity. As a school, we wished to reward these young writers, and with the help of the National Literacy Agency and Esplora, gave each of them two books and a voucher to visit the Esplora Science Centre free of charge. Well done to these three students and we hope that we may soon read some more of your work! Lest I forget… you may read the three pieces of writing here, here and here.