Il-Ħamis 30 ta’ Jannar 2020 ġie imtella’ l-ewwel Science Teen Cafe’ għall-istudenti kollha tal-Year 8. Tul din l-attivita’ l-istudenti kellhom iċ-ċans jisimgħu, jitkellmu u jistaqsu lil bosta professjonisti minn oqsma differenti, bħal tobba, infermieri, inġiniera, qwiebel, xefs, riċerkaturi u esperti oħra. Kienet attivita’ suċċess li ġiet organizzata mad-Dipartiment tax-Xjenza flimkien mas-Sur Noel Harmsworth. Grazzi kbira tmur għall-professjonisti kollha li minkejja l-ġranet imħabta li jkollhom, xorta waħda sabu l-ħin għal din l-attivita’ fl-iskola tagħna! GRAZZI!
On Thursday 30th January 2020 we hosted the first Science Teen Cafe for all of our Year 8 students. During this activity our students had the opportunity to listen, talk and ask different professionals, like doctors, nursies, engineers, midwives, chefs, researchers and other experts.This activity was organised together with the Science Department and Mr Noel Harmsworth. It was a complete success! A massive thanks goes to all the professionals who inspite of their hectic agenda, they still found the time for this activity at our school!THANKS!