As part of our “Smile for Peace” week, here is the first of three poems written by our students with their teacher, Ms V. Jameson, during their English lessons. Today’s poem was written by Caden, Dyzan, Nasrin, Alashia, Yahy, Sabrine and Osama from class 8.08. Well done!
Bħala parti mill-ġimgħa bit-tema “Tbissima għall-Paċi“, għandna l-ewwel minn tliet poeżiji li nkitbu minn uħud mill-istudenti tagħna waqt il-lezzjonijiet tagħhom tal-Ingliż ma’ Ms V. Jameson. Il-poeżija tal-lum hi mill-pinna ta’ Caden, Dyzan, Nasrin, Alashia, Yahy, Sabrine u Osama mill-klassi 8.08. Prosit tassew!
Peace means friends
When war ends
Peace means playing
When everyone is obeying
Peace means quiet
When there isn’t a riot
Peace means eating
During a meeting
Peace means being alone
In my home
On my phone
Flying my drone.