Microsoft Social & Innovation day challenge

On 12th June 2014 a team of seven Business Studies students attended the 2nd edition of the Microsoft Social & Innovation Day challenge organised by the  Junior Achievement (Young Enterprise).   The team was assigned a business advisor –  a Microsoft employee who guided the students throughout the day’s challenge.

The team consisted of: Rebecca Briffa, Luana Camilleri, Michela Chircop, Leona Grech, Yunasha Muscat, Esmerlda Schembri and Graziella Vella.

The challenge involved the setting-up a mini-company, preparing a marketing plan and presenting it to a panel of judges and the other teams.

Our students demonstrated great team-work, strategic thinking and problem-solving skills throughout the day.  Their efforts and enthusiasm to give their utmost are highly commendable. Thanks goes to Ms. I. Vella for her guidance and dedication to this project.

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