Mi mascota – Maraya Dimech (7.1)

Bonġu mill-aqwa! Nisperaw li l-ewwel jum ta’ Marzu kien wieħed eċċellenti u li llum ikun jum iprem! Illum ser naqsmu magħkom kitba bl-Ispanjol tal-istudenta tagħna Maraya Dimech mis-Sena 7. Grazzi lill-għalliema tal-Ispanjol, is-Sa J. Ellul, talli għadditilna dan ix-xogħol! Prosit! ❤😍🐾

Wishing you a superb day! Let’s hope the first day of March was just great and that today will be even a greater one! Today we are presenting you a Spanish task completed by our Year 7 student Maraya Dimech. Special thanks to our teacher of Spanish, Ms J. Ellul, for forwarding us this writing! Well done! ❤😍🐾

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