Merħba għas-sena skolastika ġdida! // Welcome to the new scholastic year!

Dalgħodu lqajna lill-istudenti tagħna fl-okkażjoni ta’ sena skolastika ġdida. Kien mument sabiħ fejn, għall-ewwel darba f’sentejn, stajna ninġabru bħala skola u flimkien nibdew esperjenza skolastika ġdida mingħajr l-ixkiel tal-pandemija. Fil-vidjo mehmuż għandkom issibu xi mumenti mill-assembly tal-lum.
This morning we welcomed our students for the start of a new scholastic year. It was a nice return to normality, after two years in which such large gatherings could not be held due to the pandemic. In the below video we bring you some moments from this morning’s assembly.

Id-dipartimenti tal-Malti u tal-Ġermaniż ukoll laqgħu lill-istudenti b’messaġġi fuq Facebook.


The departments of English and German also greeted the students with messages on Facebook.

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