Malta Live Creative Writing Award Competition 2022

Malta Live announces its brand new writing events for the first year running. This is a creative writing award competition in which all students in Middle Schools in Malta are invited to take part.

This award competition is sponsored by the English Departments and therefore, entries should be written in English only.

There are two themes for this competition and students can choose which they would like to use. One theme is A STORY, ESSAY, POEM OR PLAY IN WHICH the idea of HOPE appears and the other is A STORY, ESSAY, POEM OR PLAY in which you write about A FUNNY VILLAIN.

This is a CREATIVE writing competition and students are urged to think very widely on the themes. Some hints will appear at different times in the Gozo Live Facebook page. Teachers, parents and students may like to brainstorm the themes to come up with original ideas. We ask students to think very differently about these themes. Also think of a creative title for your entry.

The length of the work is open, but students are encouraged to write originally and creatively.

Plagiarism will result in the student being disqualified. Students may choose to illustrate their entries but this is not essential – it is your writing we are interested in. The work may be produced by one student or IN THE CASE OF A PLAY a small group may decide to collaborate.

We want to see an imaginative, fresh approach to the way in which you handle the theme. In addition there will be a prize for the best fantasy story submitted, a prize for the best play and a prize for the best poem. Poems and fantasy stories can be on the above themes (in which case you will have entered under both categories) or on any subject of your choice.

Plays must be on one of the themes.

Students may submit more than one entry if they wish.


Competition rules

Instructions for participating [PPT]

Malta Live Writing Competition 2022 unofficial poster

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