Kantera jdoqqu fl-iskola tagħna // Kantera play at our school

Tlieta mill-membri ta’ Kantera ħadu sehem f’attività edukattiva u kross-kurrikulari organizzata mid-dipartimenti tal-Malti, Arti, Mużika u Drama tal-Iskola Medja tal-Kulleġġ San Ġorġ Preca. Ittieħed spunt mil-lirika ta’ żewġ kanzunetti ta’ Kantera, Tkun ‘l Hawn Għaddi u L-Ewwel Jien, biex dawn l-idjomi u l-qwiel jitwasslu b’mod interessanti lill-istudenti, u wara l-membri tal-grupp ferrħu lill-istudenti u l-għalliema b’interpretazzjoni ‘live’ tal-kanzunetti fit-Teatru Grieg tal-iskola.

Three of the members of Kantera took part in a cross-curricular educational actrivity organised by the Maltese, Art, Music and Drama departments at our school. Taking the lyrics of two of their songs (Tkun ‘l Hawn Għaddi and L-Ewwel Jien) as a starting point, teachers created activities to teach these idioms and proverbs in an innovative way to students. Following the activity, the members of the group entertained students and teachers with their live interpretations of the songs in our school’s Greek Theatre.


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