Is peace possible in Ukraine right now after what has happened? by Anwar Raies

Il-ġimgħa bit-tema “Tbissima għall-Paċi” tasal fi tmiemha llum, imma għad fadlilna ħafna xogħlijiet tal-istudenti x’intellgħu. Din li ġejja hi xogħol t’Anwar Raies (8.02) li tiddiskuti l-paċi fl-Ukrajna.

Our “Smile for Peace” week is over today, but we still have lots of students’ work to promote! Here is Anwar Raies’ (8.02) discussing peace in Ukraine.

In Ukraine right now there is a war between Russia and Ukraine. In Ukraine there is a big war but not a lot of peace. In Ukraine people are dying because of this invasion. Today we will be discussing the topic of peace and how it is affecting Ukraine from the war happening right now.

Now we will be talking about what is peace. Peace is where a country, for example Portugal, has freedom. Peace is especially important because, the lack of peace wrecks societies and the economy will decrease instead of increase. A lack of peace will affect lives especially when there is a lot of genocide and a lot of coups. Without peace people will not make alliances to help each other, instead they will fight each other. There is no peace in Ukraine because of all the reasons that I said like genocides and coups. I think that Ukraine will not concede to Russia because it was Russia who started the war and until Ukraine wins the war, I don’t think Russia will stop the invasion.

The invasion of Russia in Ukraine is the reason there is no peace in Ukraine. There might be a couple of things we can do to help Ukraine bring peace and to help Ukraine win the war. We can go help Ukraine by helping them attack Russia. We can also help Ukraine by helping injured soldiers or kids. There are a couple of people that can bring peace to Ukraine and there are other countries helping, as well as the European Union. The most important person of this war is Vladmir Putin because he seized Ukraine and is the President of Russia so if he wants to end the war, he can simply say it and the war is over and peace is restored again to both Russia and Ukraine.

Now we talked about everything about peace like why it is important because of economic growth or why there is no peace in Ukraine because of the invasion and more stuff. My final opinion about the topic of peace is that it is very important, or else there will be huge problems if there is no peace in the world.

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