U l-kċejjen tagħna ta’ San Gorg Preca College Middle School Blata l-Bajda dejjem għaddejjin, min isajjar ħaġa u min oħra! Din il-ġimgħa grupp ta’ studenti mill-Year 7 kellhom iċ-ċans jippreparaw snekks u xarbiet friski magħmula minn frott frisk u jogurt. Xogħol u presentazzjonijiet impekkabbli! Prosit tassew!
All the kitchens at San Gorg Preca College Middle School Blata l-Bajda are always on-the-go…busy busy! This week, a group of Year 7 students had the opportunity to prepare fresh snacks and drinks with fresh fruit and yoghurt. Excellent work and presentations! Wow! Well done!