
Imma dan l-etikett x’ikun? L-etikett jiġbor fih sett ta’ regoli ta’ kif wieħed għandu jġib ruħu fis-soċjeta’. Kull post li wieħed ikun fih jitlob imġieba partikolari. Għaldaqstant aħna din is-sena komplejna nsaħħu lill-istudenti tagħna, ħalli jtejbu l-imġieba tagħhom, mhux biss fil-binja tal-iskola iżda anka barra mill-ħitan tagħha. Ftit tal-ġimgħat ilu komplew jitwaħħlu powsters marbuta mal-etikett! Grazzi lil kull min ta sehmu fis-sena skolastika li għaddiet u f’din li qeghdin fiha!

But can someone help and explain what etiquette is all about? Etiquette is a set of rules of personal behaviour in society. Every situation requires particular behaviour. Thus, once again this year, we continued to emphasize the importance of good behaviour, both at school but most of all, outdoors. A few weeks ago, more posters were hung to promote etiquette. A special thanks goes to those who helped both during the last and present scholastic year!

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