
L-aħħar ġimgħa ta’ Jannar kienet waħda mimlija daqs bajda għalina ta’ San Gorg Preca College Middle School Blata l-Bajda! Fl-ewwel tlett ijiem il-Klassijiet 704, 705 u 706 marru Horse Lagoon fejn huma wkoll attendew u pparteċipaw fil-programm HEPA. Grazzi tmur għall-istaff kollu ta’ Horse Lagoon speċjalment għas-Sa Sarah Albanozzo! Prosit! The last week of January was…

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Outdoor Activities

Outdoor Activities: The aim is to enrich students with another dimension of Physical Education. The ultimate aim of trekking is to incorporate exercise in the students’ life in a different way. Students explore various new routes while enjoying the nature and nature’s sceneries. We hope that the students are encouraged to…

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