Busy Beavers

Our Year 8 CCP students got their hands really full – busy beavers indeed! Different activities prepared for them to express themselves in various ways – through play, art and crafts! Well-done and thanks go to their teachers and LSEs for their dedication! Great job!👏✂️🖍❤️

L-istudenti tal-Year 8 CCP xammru l-qmiem għal ħafna xogħol – ħabbrieka u beżlin ta’ veru! Attivitajiet differenti ppreparati għalihom ħalli jesprimu lilhom infushom b’modi differenti permezz tal-logħob, arti u krafts! Prosit u grazzi kbira għall-għalliema u l-LSEs tagħhom għall-impenn kbir tagħhom! Xogħol mill-aqwa! 👏✂️🖍❤️

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